
Photo of Julien Bachmann

Julien Bachmann


Program chair

Photo of Loïc Haas

Loïc Haas


CTF organizer

Photo of Yohan Martini

Yohan Martini


Ticketing/participant organizer

Photo of Nicolas Oberli

Nicolas Oberli


Badges organizer

Photo of Sylvain Pasini

Sylvain Pasini


General chair

Photo of Maude Schneider

Maude Schneider

Y-PARC Swiss Technopole SA

Catering organizer
Evenings organizer
Hotel organizer

Photo of Paul Such

Paul Such



Photo of Sandy Wetzel

Sandy Wetzel



Black Alps

Black Alps is a non-profit organization founded in 2017 whose main event will be the organization of Black Alps conferences.

The Black Alps values are the followings:

  • Independence: We are an independent conference, we are not affiliated with any commercial or industrial group.
  • Content: The content is selected by a program commitee. Our goal is to provide you with interesting and exceptional talks and workshops who are consistent with the industrial world.
  • Privacy: We assure you the confidentiality and privacy of your information; we do not share this information, especially we do not share it with our partners or sponsors.

The current committee is composed of Sylvain Pasini (president), Yohan Martini (treasurer), and Maude Schneider (secretary). The other organizers (see above) are also members of this organization.

Photo of Sylvain Pasini

Sylvain Pasini


Photo of Maude Schneider

Maude Schneider


Photo of Yohan Martini

Yohan Martini


Black Alps is supported by the HEIG-VD, Y-PARC, and staff involved in the previous cyber security events in Yverdon:

Year Name Location
2011 Application Security Forum - Western Switzerland (#ASFWS) HEIG-VD, Yverdon-les-Bains
2012 Application Security Forum - Western Switzerland (#ASFWS) Y-PARC, Yverdon-les-Bains
2013 Application Security Forum - Western Switzerland (#ASFWS) Y-PARC, Yverdon-les-Bains
2014 Application Security Forum - Western Switzerland (#ASFWS) Y-PARC, Yverdon-les-Bains
2015 CyberSec Conference (#CYBSEC15) Y-PARC, Yverdon-les-Bains
2016 CyberSec Conference (#CYBSEC16) Y-PARC, Yverdon-les-Bains
2017 Black Alps 2017 (#BLACKALPS17) Y-PARC, Yverdon-les-Bains
2018 Black Alps - Cybersecurity for SME - 2018 Y-PARC, Yverdon-les-Bains
2018 Black Alps 2018 (#BLACKALPS18) Y-PARC, Yverdon-les-Bains
2019 Black Alps 2019 (#BLACKALPS19) Y-PARC, Yverdon-les-Bains


Do not hesitate to contact us by email for any information or suggestion:

Follow us on the social networks:

Photo credits to Patrick Mast. Huge thanks for the awesome pictures of the Alps!